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    Choix et utilisation des pesticides dans la zone des Niayes : cas de Notto Gouye Diama
    (Afrique SCIENCE, 2021-05-25) Dia, Souleymane; CISSE, Alpha; GUEYE, Cheikh Mouhamadou Lamine Bara
    Ce travail porte sur l’usage des pesticides dans la zone des Niayes qui fournit presque la quasi-totalité des produits maraîchers au Sénégal. Les maraîchers de cette zone ont de plus en plus recours à l’utilisation des pesticides pour lutter contre les ennemis des cultures. Toutefois, le recourt aux pesticides chimiques soulève de redoutables questions d’ordre environnemental et pose des problèmes de santé aux agriculteurs et aux consommateurs. C’est dans ce contexte que s’insère cette présente étude qui se veut un diagnostic sur le choix et l’utilisation des pesticides dans la zone de Notto Gouye Diama. Pour mener à bien le travail, la présentation de la zone et du matériel d’étude ont été effectués en premier lieu. Ensuite, nous avons procédé à une synthèse bibliographique, au choix des villages, à l’échantillonnage, à la collecte et enfin l’exploitation et l’analyse des données obtenues. L’enquête a été menée sur la base d’un questionnaire du 22 juillet au 22 Aout 2019 au près des producteurs de la zone. L’analyse a porté sur l’étude des facteurs de production et spéculations, le choix et l’utilisation des pesticides. Les résultats montrent essentiellement que les hommes s’adonnent plus aux activités agricoles que les femmes avec respectivement (89 %) et (11 %) avec des niveaux d’instruction faible en français et élevé en arabe (39 % des producteurs). Les équipements de traitements phytosanitaires tels que les pulvérisateurs à dos sont utilisés par la totalité des producteurs enquêtés (100 % des cas). Cependant on note une utilisation faible des atomiseurs (8 %). Le port d’équipements de protection individuelle appropriée lors des traitements phytosanitaires est faiblement adopté avec seulement (44 %) portent de masques, (36 %) portent des gants (28 %) portent des combinaisons et (31 %) portent des lunettes. Les enquêtes ont pu illustrer leur faible niveau en français, le dynamisme des femmes rurales et le manque de protection contre les pesticides ce qui justifie l’importance de la vulgarisation de ce travail de recherche.
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    L’alimentation des Peuls du Sénégal Comparaison entre contextes rural et urbain autour d’éléments emblématiques
    (Open Edition Journals, 2021) Macia, Enguerran; Tibère, Laurence; Ka, Abdou
    Cet article porte sur l’alimentation des populations peules du Sénégal, plus précisément sur deux groupes de femmes : l’un vivant dans la zone sylvo-pastorale du Ferlo (Nord Est du Sénégal) et l’autre issu du Ferlo et installé dans la capitale du pays, Dakar, depuis au moins dix ans. L’analyse porte sur les différences mais aussi les éléments communs dans l’alimentation de ces populations et sur la pluralité des influences mais aussi, des processus de changements. L’attention a été portée sur les formes de sociabilité et les contenus des repas, et notamment sur la présence d’éléments considérés comme des marqueurs emblématiques de la culture peule par les participants eux-mêmes. L’objectif était de repérer d’éventuelles transformations et continuités dans les pratiques culinaires et alimentaires mais aussi les perceptions qu’ont les femmes en particulier sur le statut de certains marqueurs culturels, dans ce contexte.
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    Approvisionnement en eau dans la commune des Parcelles Assainies de Dakar (Sénégal): perception de la qualité et pratiques des populations
    (European Scientific Journal, 2021-02-08) Diop, Cheikh; Toure, Aminata; Bah, Fatoumata
    L’eau est indispensable pour satisfaire les besoins domestiques et alimentaires, mais sa disponibilité permanente est une préoccupation réelle en milieu urbain notamment dans les quartiers défavorisés des pays en développement. Le manque d’eau et la qualité de celle-ci exposent les populations particulièrement les enfants aux maladies hydriques. L’objectif de ce travail est d’identifier les différentes sources d’approvisionnement en eau et d’évaluer la perception de la qualité de l’eau et son impact sur la santé par les populations de la commune des Parcelles Assainies de Dakar. La méthodologie adoptée dans cette étude est basée sur une enquête qui a consisté à administrer aux ménages un questionnaire pré-validé. La méthode des quotas a permis de sélectionner 400 ménages répartis dans les différents quartiers de la commune. Les résultats indiquent que 82,3 % de la population de la commune s’approvisionnent avec l’eau du robinet et 70,5 % utilisent des pompes manuelles en cas de coupure d’eau. L’eau du robinet sert essentiellement de boisson (73 %) et celle des pompes manuelles pour la douche, le linge et les travaux ménagers. La majorité de la population (56 %) trouve que la qualité de l’eau est moyennement bonne, 24 % indiquent qu’elle est bonne et 20 % considèrent qu’elle est mauvaise. L’odeur est le paramètre organoleptique le plus utilisé par la population (68 %) pour apprécier la qualité de l’eau suivi du goût (63 %) et de la couleur (62 %). Cette situation justifie le traitement de l’eau à domicile avant usage avec l’eau de javel (66,7 %), de comprimés désinfectant Aquatabs® (32,2 %), la filtration et la décantation (21,9 %). Par ailleurs, 75 % des enquêtés trouvent que la fréquence des maladies diarrhéiques chez les enfants est liée à la qualité de l’eau. L’analyse des résultats montre une diversité des sources d’approvisionnement liée au manque de moyens économiques associés aux fréquentes coupures d’eau du robinet, une mauvaise perception de la qualité de l’eau et une fréquence élevée de maladies liée à l’eau chez les enfants.
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    Renal impairment assessment on adults living nearby a landfill: Early kidney dysfunction biomarkers linked to the environmental exposure to heavy metals
    (2021-02-08) Cabral, Mathilde; Garçon, Guillaume; Touré, Aminata
    The aim of this study was to assess the integrity and kidney overall functional capacity of subjects exposed to landfill emissions. Urine and blood levels of Pb and Cd, and several of the newly biomarkers of nephrotoxicity (Kim Injury Molecule 1 (KIM-1), alpha-1 Microglobulin (α1 M), beta-2 Microglobulin (β2 M), Cystatin-C (Cyst C), Clusterin, alpha-glutathione S-transferase (GSTα), pi-glutathione S-transferase (GSTπ), Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP1), Calbindin, Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin (NGAL), Osteopontin (OPN), (Retinol Binding Protein(RBP), Liver-type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (FABP-1), Trefoil Factor 3 (TFF3), Collagen VI) were measured in order to assess glomerular and tubule damage in adults living near a landfill. Our results indicate glomerular dysfunction in exposed subjects, and supported evidence of necrosis of proximal and distal tubule epithelial cells as specific biomarkers began to appear in the urine. Positive correlation by Pearson test were obtained between : blood Pb and B-OPN, B-Cyst C, Calbindin, U-KIM-1, TIMP1, U-OPN, and U-Clusterin; and also, between urinary Cd and TIMP1, B-Clusterin, U-OPN, FABP-1, Albumin, and U-Clusterin. The relation between biomarkers of Cd/Pb exposure and early effect biomarkers in this study clearly predicts the future risk of severe kidney injury in subjects living close to the landfill
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    Multihost Transmission of Schistosoma mansoni in Senegal, 2015–2018
    (PubMed Central, 2020-06) Catalano, Stefano; Léger, Elsa; Fall, Cheikh B.
    In West Africa, Schistosoma spp. are capable of infecting multiple definitive hosts, a lifecycle feature that may complicate schistosomiasis control. We characterized the evolutionary relationships among multiple Schistosoma mansoni isolates collected from snails (intermediate hosts), humans (definitive hosts), and rodents (definitive hosts) in Senegal. On a local scale, diagnosis of S. mansoni infection ranged 3.8%–44.8% in school-aged children, 1.7%–52.6% in Mastomys huberti mice, and 1.8%–7.1% in Biomphalaria pfeifferi snails. Our phylogenetic framework confirmed the presence of multiple S. mansoni lineages that could infect both humans and rodents; divergence times of these lineages varied (0.13–0.02 million years ago). We propose that extensive movement of persons across West Africa might have contributed to the establishment of these various multihost S. mansoni clades. High S. mansoni prevalence in rodents at transmission sites frequented by humans further highlights the implications that alternative hosts could have on future public health interventions.
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    Hybridized Zoonotic Schistosoma Infections Result in Hybridized Morbidity Profiles: A Clinical Morbidity Study amongst Co-Infected Human Populations of Senegal
    (MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2021-08-20) Fall, Cheikh B.; Lambert, Sébastien; Léger, Elsa
    Hybridization of infectious agents is a major emerging public and veterinary health concern at the interface of evolution, epidemiology, and control. Whilst evidence of the extent of hybridization amongst parasites is increasing, their impact on morbidity remains largely unknown. This may be predicted to be particularly pertinent where parasites of animals with contrasting pathogenicity viably hybridize with human parasites. Recent research has revealed that viable zoonotic hybrids between human urogenital Schistosoma haematobium with intestinal Schistosoma species of livestock, notably Schistosoma bovis, can be highly prevalent across Africa and beyond. Examining human populations in Senegal, we found increased hepatic but decreased urogenital morbidity, and reduced improvement following treatment with praziquantel, in those infected with zoonotic hybrids compared to non-hybrids. Our results have implications for effective monitoring and evaluation of control programmes, and demonstrate for the first time the potential impact of parasite hybridizations on host morbidity.
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    Prevalence and distribution of schistosomiasis in human, livestock, and snail populations in northern Senegal: a One Health epidemiological study of a multi-host system
    (Elsevier, 2020-08) Léger, Elsa; Borlase, Anna; Fall, Cheikh B
    Background Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease of global medical and veterinary importance. As efforts to eliminate schistosomiasis as a public health problem and interrupt transmission gather momentum, the potential zoonotic risk posed by livestock Schistosoma species via viable hybridisation in sub-Saharan Africa have been largely overlooked. We aimed to investigate the prevalence, distribution, and multi-host, multiparasite transmission cycle of Haematobium group schistosomiasis in Senegal, West Africa. Methods In this epidemiological study, we carried out systematic surveys in definitive hosts (humans, cattle, sheep, and goats) and snail intermediate hosts, in 2016–18, in two areas of Northern Senegal: Richard Toll and Lac de Guiers, where transmission is perennial; and Barkedji and Linguère, where transmission is seasonal. The occurrence and distribution of Schistosoma species and hybrids were assessed by molecular analyses of parasitological specimens obtained from the different hosts. Children in the study villages aged 5–17 years and enrolled in school were selected from school registers. Adults (aged 18–78 years) were self-selecting volunteers. Livestock from the study villages in both areas were also randomly sampled, as were post-mortem samples from local abattoirs. Additionally, five malacological surveys of snail intermediate hosts were carried out at each site in open water sources used by the communities and their animals. Findings In May to August, 2016, we surveyed 375 children and 20 adults from Richard Toll and Lac de Guiers, and 201 children and 107 adults from Barkedji and Linguère; in October, 2017, to January, 2018, we surveyed 386 children and 88 adults from Richard Toll and Lac de Guiers, and 323 children and 85 adults from Barkedji and Linguère. In Richard Toll and Lac de Guiers the prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis in children was estimated to be 87% (95% CI 80–95) in 2016 and 88% (82–95) in 2017–18. An estimated 63% (in 2016) and 72% (in 2017–18) of infected children were shedding Schistosoma haematobium–Schistosoma bovis hybrids. In adults in Richard Toll and Lac de Guiers, the prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis was estimated to be 79% (52–97) in 2016 and 41% (30–54) in 2017–18, with 88% of infected samples containing S haematobium–S bovis hybrids. In Barkedji and Linguère the prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis in children was estimated to be 30% (23–38) in 2016 and 42% (35–49) in 2017–18, with the proportion of infected children found to be shedding S haematobium–S bovis hybrid miracidia much lower than in Richard Toll and Lac de Guiers (11% in 2016 and 9% in 2017–18). In adults in Barkedji and Linguère, the prevalence of urogenital schistosomiasis was estimated to be 26% (17–36) in 2016 and 47% (34–60) in 2017–18, with 10% of infected samples containing S haematobium–S bovis hybrids. The prevalence of S bovis in the sympatric cattle population of Richard Toll and the Lac de Guiers was 92% (80–99), with S bovis also found in sheep (estimated prevalence 14% [5–31]) and goats (15% [5–33]). In Barkedji and Linguère the main schistosome species in livestock was Schistosoma curassoni, with an estimated prevalence of 73% (48–93) in sheep, 84% (61–98) in goats and 8% (2–24) in cattle. S haematobium–S bovis hybrids were not found in livestock. In Richard Toll and Lac de Guiers 35% of infected Bulinus spp snail intermediate hosts were found to be shedding S haematobium–S bovis hybrids (68% shedding S haematobium; 17% shedding S bovis); however, no snails were found to be shedding S haematobium hybrids in Barkedji and Linguère (29% shedding S haematobium; 71% shedding S curassoni). Interpretation Our findings suggest that hybrids originate in humans via zoonotic spillover from livestock populations, where schistosomiasis is co-endemic. Introgressive hybridisation, evolving host ranges, and wider ecosystem contexts could affect the transmission dynamics of schistosomiasis and other pathogens, demonstrating the need to consider control measures within a One Health framework. Funding Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems programme (UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Department for International Development, UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK Medical Research Council, UK Natural Environment Research Council, and UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory).
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    Mycorrhizal inoculation increases fruit production without disturbance of native arbuscular mycorrhizal community in jujube tree orchards (Senegal)
    (Hal Open Science, Springer Link, 2022-07-04) Thioye, Babacar; Sanguin, Hervé; Kane, Aboubacry
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi constitute promising biofertilizers for the deployment of a sustainable agriculture. However, the evaluation of mycorrhizal benefits in the field is poorly documented, notably in fruit tree orchards, and concerns exclusively growth performance and nutrition. Here, we evaluated the persistence of beneficial effects of AM fungal inoculation on two jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana Lam.) cultivars (Tasset and Gola) inoculated in nursery conditions and subsequently transferred in the field until fruit production. The growth-promoting effects on jujube observed in nursery was still maintained 18 months after planting, with significant higher rates of survival and an increase of fruit production for inoculated jujube cultivars. Nevertheless, AM-mediated responses were dependent on cultivar. No major disturbance of native AM fungal community was associated with AM fungal inoculation but a stimulation of AM fungal colonization is probable. The use of mycorrhizal inoculation with the R. irregularis IR27 strain hold promise for the development of efficient jujube orchards under semi-arid conditions
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    Diversity and spore density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) cultivated in different soils in Senegal
    (Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 2021-04-30) DIOP, Ibou; NDOYE, Fatou; DIÉDHIOU, Abdala G
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a significant role in soil structure, plant water and nutrient uptake particularly in poor soils. This work aims to determine the diversity and spore density of AMF in the rhizosphere of cowpea cultivated in three soil types (Dek, Dek_Dior and Dior) collected from two sites (Ouarkhokh and Dya) in Senegal (West Africa). Using morpho-anatomical identification of spores isolated from cowpea rhizosphere, 15 taxa classified in 8 genera (Gigaspora, Racocetra, Scutellospora, Entrophospora, Acaulospora, Glomus, Sclerocystis and Rhizophagus) and 3 families (Gigasporaceae, Acaulosporaceae and Glomeraceae) were identified. The genus Glomus is the most represented followed by Gigaspora in the different soil types. The spore density was significantly higher in Dek soil than in Dior soil. This study also revealed that AMF communities were clustered according to sites and soil types, with a clearer separation between Dek soil and Dior soil for Ouarkhokh as well as Dya site. In addition, Racocetra gregaria was identified as indicator species for Dya site in the Sudano-Sahelian zone and Gigaspora sp. and Acaulospora sp. were identified as indicator species for Ouarkhokh site in the Sahelian zone. Meanwhile, Scutellospora heterogama was identified as indicator species for Dek soil and Glomus coronatum as indicator species for Dek soil and Dek_Dior soil. Future research should focus on these AMF taxa in order to develop highly effective and competitive inoculants for cowpea cultivation in these different soil types and sites.
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    MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the identification of freshwater snails from Senegal, including intermediate hosts of schistosomes
    (PLoS, 2021-09-13) Hamlili, Fatima Zohra; Thiam, Fatou; Laroche, Maureen
    Freshwater snails of the genera Biomphalaria, Bulinus, and Oncomelania are intermediate hosts of schistosomes that cause human schistosomiasis, one of the most significant infectious neglected diseases in the world. Identification of freshwater snails is usually based on morphology and potentially DNA-based methods, but these have many drawbacks that hamper their use. MALDI-TOF MS has revolutionised clinical microbiology and has emerged in the medical entomology field. This study aims to evaluate MALDI-TOF MS profiling for the identification of both frozen and ethanol-stored snail species using protein extracts from different body parts. A total of 530 field specimens belonging to nine species (Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Bulinus forskalii, Bulinus senegalensis, Bulinus truncatus, Bulinus globosus, Bellamya unicolor, Cleopatra bulimoides, Lymnaea natalensis, Melanoides tuberculata) and 89 laboratory-reared specimens, including three species (Bi. pfeifferi, Bu. forskalii, Bu. truncatus) were used for this study. For frozen snails, the feet of 127 field and 74 laboratory-reared specimens were used to validate the optimised MALDI-TOF MS protocol. The spectral analysis yielded intra-species reproducibility and inter-species specificity which resulted in the correct identification of all the specimens in blind queries, with log-score values greater than 1.7. In a second step, we demonstrated that MALDI-TOF MS could also be used to identify ethanol-stored snails using proteins extracted from the foot using a specific database including a large number of ethanol preserved specimens. This study shows for the first time that MALDI-TOF MS is a reliable tool for the rapid identification of frozen and ethanol-stored freshwater snails without any malacological expertise.
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    Bulinus senegalensis and Bulinus umbilicatus Snail Infestations by the Schistosoma haematobium Group in Niakhar, Senegal
    (MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2021-07-08) Gaye, Papa Mouhamadou; Doucoure, Souleymane; Senghor, Bruno
    Thorough knowledge of the dynamics of Bulinus spp. infestation could help to control the spread of schistosomiasis. This study describes the spatio-temporal dynamics of B. senegalensis and B. umbilicatus infestation by the Schistosoma haematobium group of blood flukes in Niakhar, Senegal. Molecular identification of the S. haematobium group was performed by real-time PCR, targeting the Dra 1 gene in 810 samples of Bulinus spp. collected during the schistosomiasis transmission season in 2013. In addition to Dra 1 PCR, a rapid diagnostic-PCR was performed on a sub-group of 43 snails to discriminate S. haematobium, S. bovis, and S. mattheei. Out of 810 snails, 236 (29.1%) were positive for Dra 1 based on the PCR, including 96.2% and 3.8% of B. senegalensis and B. umbilicatus, respectively. Among the sub-group, 16 samples were confirmed to be S. haematobium while one was identified as a mixture of S. haematobium and S. bovis. Snails infestations were detected in all villages sampled and infestation rates ranged from 15.38% to 42.11%. The prevalence of infestation was higher in the north (33.47%) compared to the south (25.74%). Snail populations infestations appear early in the rainy season, with a peak in the middle of the season, and then a decline towards the end of the rainy season. Molecular techniques showed, for the first time, the presence of S. bovis in the Bulinus spp. population of Niakhar. The heterogeneity of snail infestations at the village level must be taken into account in mass treatment strategies. Further studies should help to improve the characterizations of the schistosome population.
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    Diversity and spore density of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizosphere of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata [L.] Walp.) cultivated in different soils in Senegal
    (Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 2021-04-30) DIOP, Ibou; NDOYE, Fatou; DIÉDHIOU, Abdala G
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play a significant role in soil structure, plant water and nutrient uptake particularly in poor soils. This work aims to determine the diversity and spore density of AMF in the rhizosphere of cowpea cultivated in three soil types (Dek, Dek_Dior and Dior) collected from two sites (Ouarkhokh and Dya) in Senegal (West Africa). Using morpho-anatomical identification of spores isolated from cowpea rhizosphere, 15 taxa classified in 8 genera (Gigaspora, Racocetra, Scutellospora, Entrophospora, Acaulospora, Glomus, Sclerocystis and Rhizophagus) and 3 families (Gigasporaceae, Acaulosporaceae and Glomeraceae) were identified. The genus Glomus is the most represented followed by Gigaspora in the different soil types. The spore density was significantly higher in Dek soil than in Dior soil. This study also revealed that AMF communities were clustered according to sites and soil types, with a clearer separation between Dek soil and Dior soil for Ouarkhokh as well as Dya site. In addition, Racocetra gregaria was identified as indicator species for Dya site in the Sudano-Sahelian zone and Gigaspora sp. and Acaulospora sp. were identified as indicator species for Ouarkhokh site in the Sahelian zone. Meanwhile, Scutellospora heterogama was identified as indicator species for Dek soil and Glomus coronatum as indicator species for Dek soil and Dek_Dior soil. Future research should focus on these AMF taxa in order to develop highly effective and competitive inoculants for cowpea cultivation in these different soil types and sites
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    Choix et utilisation des pesticides dans la zone des Niayes : cas de Notto Gouye Diama
    (Afrique SCIENCE, 2021-01) Dia, Souleymane; Cisse, Alpha; GUEYE, Cheikh Mouhamadou Lamine Bara
    Ce travail porte sur l’usage des pesticides dans la zone des Niayes qui fournit presque la quasi-totalité des produits maraîchers au Sénégal. Les maraîchers de cette zone ont de plus en plus recours à l’utilisation des pesticides pour lutter contre les ennemis des cultures. Toutefois, le recourt aux pesticides chimiques soulève de redoutables questions d’ordre environnemental et pose des problèmes de santé aux agriculteurs et aux consommateurs. C’est dans ce contexte que s’insère cette présente étude qui se veut un diagnostic sur le choix et l’utilisation des pesticides dans la zone de Notto Gouye Diama. Pour mener à bien le travail, la présentation de la zone et du matériel d’étude ont été effectués en premier lieu. Ensuite, nous avons procédé à une synthèse bibliographique, au choix des villages, à l’échantillonnage, à la collecte et enfin l’exploitation et l’analyse des données obtenues. L’enquête a été menée sur la base d’un questionnaire du 22 juillet au 22 Aout 2019 au près des producteurs de la zone. L’analyse a porté sur l’étude des facteurs de production et spéculations, le choix et l’utilisation des pesticides. Les résultats montrent essentiellement que les hommes s’adonnent plus aux activités agricoles que les femmes avec respectivement (89 %) et (11 %) avec des niveaux d’instruction faible en français et élevé en arabe (39 % des producteurs). Les équipements de traitements phytosanitaires tels que les pulvérisateurs à dos sont utilisés par la totalité des producteurs enquêtés (100 % des cas). Cependant on note une utilisation faible des atomiseurs (8 %). Le port d’équipements de protection individuelle appropriée lors des traitements phytosanitaires est faiblement adopté avec seulement (44 %) portent de masques, (36 %) portent des gants (28 %) portent des combinaisons et (31 %) portent des lunettes. Les enquêtes ont pu illustrer leur faible niveau en français, le dynamisme des femmes rurales et le manque de protection contre les pesticides ce qui justifie l’importance de la vulgarisation de ce travail de recherche.
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    (International Journal of Development Research, 2020-12-10) Mofini, Marie-Thérèse; Diedhiou, Abdala G.; Niaye, Cheikh
    Pearl millet (Pennisetumglaucum (L.) R. Br) is a cereal grown in the driest tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. Thanks to its strong capacity to adapt to the dry tropical climate and low fertility soils, millet plays an important role in the food security of local populations in these regions. It is able to establish a mycorrhizal symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), which play a key role in the absorption of nutrients and the mitigation of abiotic and biotic stress in their host. We first evaluated the mycorrhizal status of cultivated and wild millet in three agro-ecological zones of Senegal by following a rainfall gradient and then the effect of inoculation with AMF on the growth of cultivated millet. We found that wild and cultivated millet establishedarbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis but a low rate of mycorrhizationwas observed. The frequency of mycorhization was significantly higher in cultivated than in wild plants. We then evaluated the impact of AMF inoculation on plant growth and found very limited impact. These results suggest that millet is not very dependent on mycorrhizae although AMF may stimulate its growth.
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    Assessment of endothelial function in subjects with obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome
    (Academic Journals, 2021-08-31) Ba, Fatoumata; Sar, Fatou Bintou; Bâ, Abdoulaye
    Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is characterized by recurrent episodes of interruption of ventilation responsible for hypoxemia, hypercapnia and hyper activation of the autonomic nervous system. Hypoxemia followed by re-oxygenation promotes the formation of free radicals, oxidative stress and vascular inflammation, leading to endothelial dysfunction. The objective of this cross-sectional study conducted at the laboratory of Physiology of Gaston Berger University of Saint-Louis was to assess endothelial function during sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome. The endothelial function was explored non-invasively by Endopat 2000. Free and informed consent was required. Data analysis was carried out on Epi Info 7, uni-varied and bi-varied analyzes performed with a significance threshold p <5%. The study involved 42 patients including 69% women and 31% men. The average age was 52.11±8.31 years with a predominance of the (40-50yrs and 50-60yrs). The most frequently medical disorder was hypertension with 71.43%. Over 75% of the subjects were obese or overweight. OSAHS was mild in 35.71% of cases, moderate 38.1% and severe 26.19%. Endothelial dysfunction was found in 27.5% of the subjects. It was most noted in subjects with severe OSAHS, with no statistical significant difference. No significant association was found between endothelial dysfunction, gender, age and body weight. Endothelial function is often impaired during OSAHS. Studies on a larger sample should be done for more conclusive results.
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    Key factors in the contingency plan for COVID-19 during the Magal celebration in 2020
    (Public Health, 2021-04-08) Diouf, M; Gueye, L; Ndiaye, L
    No abstract
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    Antioxidant and Anti α-amylase activities of Polar Extracts of Mitracarpus hirtus and Saba Senegalensis and the combination of their Butanolic Extracts
    (International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2023-01-11) Sarr, Fatou Bintou; Sy, Gata Yoro; Cabral, Matild
    Diabetes mellitus is a major public health disease, and it affects all segments of the population around the world. The progression of this disease is worrying, 460 million in 2019, the number of diabetics is estimated in 2045 at 700 million worldwide. The antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of the ethyl acetate (EA) and Butan-1-ol (But-ol) fractions of M hirtus and Saba senegalensis are studied in this work. The results revealed that the fractions possessed flavonoid, tannins, terpenes and sterols; and exhibit potent radical scavenging activity using DPPH as substrate. The butanolic fractions exhibited more significantly α-amylase inhibitory activities than the ethyl acetate fractions. The IC50 values of butanolic fractions are 0.099 and 0.41 mg/ml respectively for M hirtus and S Senegalensis versus 0.44 and 1.45mg/ml ethyl acetate fractions. The combined butanol fractions of the two plants do not lead to the expected synergetic activities. Thus, it could be concluded that due to the presence of antioxidant components in the plant, extracts have well prospective for the management of diabetes and the related condition of oxidative stress.
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    Effect of glyphosate on antibiosis in the coevolution of the pathosystem Manihot esculenta-Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
    (ResearchGate, 2021-05-31) BROU, Kouassi Guy; ABOYA, Moroh Jean Luc; N’ZUE, Boni
    The high use of glyphosate for weed and pest control of cassava crops in Africa, particularly in Côte d'Ivoire, is correlated with the increasing extent of cassava anthracnose in the cassava producing regions. This health situation raises the question of the existence of a combined effect of glyphosate and anthracnose infection on the defence response of the cassava plant. The study was on the effect of glyphosate on antibiosis in M. esculenta in the pathosystem with C. gloeosporioides. To achieve this objective, a classical fully randomized 3-repeat device was used and antibiosis was the factor studied with 3 modalities. Treatments carried out on the plots, 4 months after planting, were inoculation of test plots of cassava with C. gloeosporoides before they were treated with 4JAI glyphosate. The assessment of phenolic and flavonoid antibiosis levels was carried out on leaf and stem organs harvested from 1JHA to 45 JHA and from the day of glyphosate treatment to 41 JHA. Comparative flavonoid antibiosis profiles were determined by CCM at the stages of maximum inhibition and maximum accumulation. Results showed that the phenolic and flavonoid antibiosis content of plants in glyphosate-treated plots decreased progressively in all varieties studied from JATr 1 to JATr 7. After the seventh day, the respective amounts of phenolic and flavonoid antibiosis gradually increased from the 8th JATr to the 180th JATr. This study showed a negative but partial interference of glyphosate in the defense mechanism of cassava cultivars (Manihot esculenta).
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    Between Drugs and Society: Moral Experiences and Drug Addiction in Ouagadougou
    (Editions Karthala, 2021) Dijk, Annigje van; Zerbo, Roger
    This article engages with the local moral worlds and the reported experiences of people addicted to heroin and/or cocaine in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso. Drug users’ experiences were coloured by a continuous conflict between the need to use drugs and a simultaneous inability to live a “good life”: that is, to fulfill the social role associated with their “life stage.” We add to a small body of research that has sought to understand the worlds of drugs in Africa from the perspectives of people who engage in drug use.
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    Pricing Multivariate European Equity Option Using Gaussians Mixture Distributions and EVT-Based Copulas
    (Hindawi, 2021-09-02) Hassane, Abba Mallam; Diakarya, Barro; WendKouni, Yaméogo
    In this article, we present an approach which allows taking into account the effect of extreme values in the modeling of financial asset returns and in the valorisation of associated options. Specifically, the marginal distribution of asset returns is modelled by a mixture of two Gaussian distributions. Moreover, we model the joint dependence structure of the returns using a copula function, the extremal one, which is suitable for our financial data, particularly the extreme values copulas. Applications are made on the Atos and Dassault Systems actions of the CAC40 index. Monte Carlo method is used to compute the values of some equity options such as the call on maximum, the call on minimum, the digital option, and the spreads option with the basket (Atos, Dassault systems) as underlying