Vreysen, Marc J. B.Abd-Alla, Adly M. M.Bourtzis, Kostas2023-07-172023-07-172021-04-13Vreysen, M.J.B.; Abd-Alla, A.M.M.; Bourtzis, K.; Bouyer, J.; Caceres, C.; de Beer, C.; Oliveira Carvalho, D.; Maiga, H.; Mamai, W.; Nikolouli, K.; et al. The Insect Pest Control Laboratory of the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme: Ten Years (2010–2020) of Research and Development, Achievements and Challenges in Support of the Sterile Insect Technique. Insects 2021, 12, 346. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects 120403462075-4450http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2007enarea-wide integrated pest managemenautocidal controlplant pestslivestock bestshuman disease vectorsgenetics and molecular biologymass-rearingquality controlradiationgenetic sexing; competitivenessJeremy BouyerCarlos CaceresACE: Bio-technological Innovation for the Elimination of Vector- Borne DiseasesCEA-ITECH_MTVUniversité Nazi BoniThe Insect Pest Control Laboratory of the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme: Ten Years (2010–2020) of Research and Development, Achievements and Challenges in Support of the Sterile Insect TechniqueArticle