Statistics for Database of African Theses and Dissertations - Research

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Impact of Herbal Aphrodisiac Pausinytalia yohimbe (BURANTASHI) on the Morphology of Sperm Cells in Adult Male Wister Rats and Mice 58
Adapting the QUEFTS model to predict attainable yields when training data are characterized by imperfect management 28
Relevance of public secondary school students' career aspirations to the manpower needs of Ghana 19
The origins, implementation and effects of Ghana's 1969 Aliens compliance order 13
Challenges heads of senior high schools face in the management of internally generated funds: A case study of selected schools in Sunyani municipality 13
Elicitation and response strategies in courtroom crossexamination: A critcal discourse analysis 12
Sms and the electronic media: A discourse analysis of text messages on radio panel discussions in Ghana 11
Toxicity studies on the leaves of senna alata, a medicinal plant from Burkina Fas, in mice and rats 11
Kinetic Modelling of Oxalic Acid Production from Cassava Whey by Aspergillus niger 10
Senior high school chemistry students' understanding of IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds 10